Quick Access Popup comments

Gives quick access to files, folders, and programs

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rating Steve M.
Frankly, I started out thinking I wasn't going to make much use of this software. Boy, was I wrong! This is one of those utilities that has so many capabilities, you'll keep discovering more and more things it can do. I especially love the hotstrings feature; set it up so you just type a short set of characters and they get expanded into a whole sentence or even paragraph. I bet I'm barely using 50% of the features.

The program is routinely updated and the best part is you can use it all for free. Once i discovered how much I was using it, I definitely made it a point to make a donation or two along the way to insure it's continued development. Great software!

Mar 5, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply

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